

Meaning and definition

What are bowlegs? Children with bowlegs, when standing straight with toes pointed forward, have ankles that touch but knees that do not. Bowlegs is a condition involving the shin and thigh (tibia and femur) bones. During the first years of life, bowlegs are part of normal growth and development and are obvious by two months of age. Most infants' legs exhibit some degree of bowing until they have been walking for a few years. During this time, the legs may also appear "knock-kneed," with both knees pointing inward. This type of angular deformity is considered "physiologic" and usually resolves on its own by the time a child is four or five years old, although it may persist until age eight.[1]

What are the symptoms?
Normal bowlegs improve over time. As it corrects, some children with bowlegs then go through a period of”genu valgum” or "knock-knees" before their legs finally straighten fully. When bowlegs get worse after age 2 they should be evaluated. The same is true if the bowing is extreme, if only one side is affected, or if the child is otherwise not growing normally.[2]


Most often, bowlegs develop as part of natural growth, although certain conditions, such as Blount's disease and bone malformations present at birth, may cause a child's legs to bow. Some metabolic disorders, such as rickets, a disease caused by Vitamin D deficiency, can also cause bowlegs. This occurs when Vitamin D deficiency affects and weakens a child's bones, causing the legs to bow.[3]


Treatment is rarely needed, but very occasionally surgery is used to correct a severe curve. Most experts today don't recommend braces or corrective shoes, which can cause problems with physical development (as well as take an emotional toll).[4]

baby bowlegs


About Me:
I am a 280 days / 9 months, 1 weeks & 2 days old baby