The first teeth will begin coming in between three and sixteen months (usually around six months). The two bottom front teeth will be the first to come in and this will be followed by the four upper teeth in four to eight weeks. The timing of the eruption of the first tooth is largely influenced by genetics, so if there is a family history of getting the first tooth late, then your child will probably also get his first tooth late.[1]
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay, even in the earliest stages of life, can have serious implications for a child’s long-term health and well-being-and it’s becoming more of a problem every day. .. the U.S. Surgeon General has identified tooth decay as the most common childhood disease.[2]
A possible contributor to this trend is the fact that only three out of five children visit a dentist at least once a year. While parents may avoid taking a child to the dentist to save money, studies show that children who have their first dental visit before age one have 40 percent lower dental costs in their first five years than children who don’t, making preventive care a sound health and economic decision.[3]
Causes of cavities
Contrary to popular belief, cavities are not caused by sugar. They are caused by bacteria. Bacteria just happen to LOVE sugar, and consuming it creates an acid, which eats away at enamel, eventually leading to a cavity. There are two important facts you should gather from this statement.
1. Bacteria doesn’t have to have “sugar” in which to survive and multiply. Chips, bread, juice, and milk are not typically considered as evil as candy and other junk food, but that is where they get you! They are sneaky sugars that slip in and attack when defenses are down!
2. Keeping bacteria at bay is a good way to help cut back on acid producing, enamel eating “Sugar Bugs.” So is keeping sugar intake to a minimum.[4]
1. Mothers should reduce their own oral bacterial infection through dental care and effective oral home care during prenatal and postnatal periods.
2. Avoid propping a bottle in the crib.
3. Avoid excessive nighttime bottle or breastfeeding.
4. Try comforting the child with a pacifier or favorite toy or blanket instead of using the bottle or breast as a pacifier.
5. If water is unfloridated, discuss fluoride drops or tablets with the dentist. Fluoride can be obtained with a prescription.
6. Clean a child's teeth as soon as they erupt. Parents should use a damp cloth or a toothbrush to clean the teeth. Cleaning a child's teeth remains the parent's responsibility into the preschool years.
7. Check teeth regularly for any chalky white or brown spots that could be the beginning of decay.
8. Bring the child to the dentist whenever a dental problem is suspected.
9. A child's first visit to the dentist should be made by the first birthday or six months after the first tooth erupts.[5]

[3] ibid