It's Sunday and dad asks mom and me to go to Malang's downtown, a half-hour trip by own-car. It'll take an hour or more if you go by bus or other public service transportation like angkot (angkotan kota - a minibus suzuki carry/ daihatsu car with 8 passenggers) or Bison (mini bus wagon car with 12 passengers).
Malang is a big city, the second biggest in Jatim (east java) after Surabaya. It's also called Kota Pendidikan or education city because so many universities (state and private) are located here. It's understandable considering Malang is a cold city very comfortable place for students.
So, we go to Malang's downtown to Bayaqub to buy books and Islamic song cassettes and CDs for children. We also go to Children stores to buy baby car seats for me. It turns out dad doesn't like the car seat (mom likes so much), so we only bought baby clothes outthere.
We end up in McDonald near Alun-alun Malang to have a fried chicken (with rice, of course), not burger. Dad and mom just could'nt eat burger with their stomach empty. Eating burger for them, and for other Indonesians, are just like eating buscuit. Will make them still hungry.
We arrive home afternoon without visiting Kauman Kepanjen, our gramma's house.
Baby Car Seat which I fail to have (it's ok may be next ime). The price in Indonesia is about IDR 850 (USD 85). Dad thinks it's too expensive.