Colitis, according to Jagvir Singh, MD, Director, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Lutheran General Hospital of Park Ridge, is an inflammation of the colon. It may be associated with enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) and/or proctitis (inflammation of the rectum). Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a generic term used to describe 2 idiopathic disorders that are associated with GI inflammation: Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). A study from Scotland reported a 3-fold rise in newly diagnosed CD from 1968-1983 and a 4.4-fold rise from 1968-1988. However, a consistent upward trend in cases of UC in the same period did not occur.[1]
Wikipedia defines it as "one of a group of conditions which are inflammatory and auto-immune, affecting the tissue that lines the gastrointestinal system (the large and small intestine). It is classed as an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)."[2]
Signs and symptoms
General signs and symptoms of colitis include intense pain, tenderness in the abdomen, depression, rapid weight loss, aches and pains within the joints, loss of appetite, fatigue, changes in bowel habits (increased frequency), fever; swelling of the colon tissue, erythema (redness) of the surface of the colon, ulcers on the colon (in ulcerative colitis) which can bleed, mucus in the stool, blood in stool and rectal bleeding. Diarrhea may present itself, although some forms of colitis are constipation so the stool and bowel movements can appear normal.
Other symptoms may include: gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD, or GORD when using the alternative spelling oesophageal), cramps, urgency and many other uncomfortable aches in the gastrointestinal system.[3]
Many of these babies will also have an intolerance to soy protein and usually need to be on an elemental formula, such as Nutramagen or Alimentum.
Breast fed babies can also develop allergic colitis, usually secondary to maternal milk drinking. Eliminating milk and other dairy products from the mother's diet is usually necessary, but you can continue to breast feed.
Babies with allergic colitis should be seen by their doctor, especially if they have poor weight gain, vomiting, or abdominal pain.
Infants with allergic colitis will be normal except for having small bright red streaks of blood in their stool. It is usually caused by a protein.[4]
Picture / image of Colitis

[2] Wikipedia
[3] ibid.